No Shortcuts - Lapsing is OK

Life can happen fast.  I haven't written a blog post in months and have been battling with myself on whether that is failing or whether that's ok.  I committed to myself that I would write regularly to share my thoughts on entrepreneurship and my personal journey to maybe help others as they go down a similar path.  Taking a few months off from posting was not in the plan.  

In April I found out I was getting promoted at P&G.  Great news and it was something that I was very excited about.  The past few months have been chaotic as I offboarded my previous role and onboarded into my new role.  I had new projects to jump onto, teams to meet and a lot of things going on in my mind as I took it all in.  I was up late every single night trying to manage it all.   

The blog got deprioritized and  as the weeks went by I came to terms that doing that was ok.  There was just no way I could do the blog and mentally and physically be ok.  Either my sleep would suffer more than it already was or the needed down time I had on the weekends to re-energize would be taken away.  I wasn't willing to make those sacrifices.  

This adjustment brought up memories on the Sloane journey where there would be particular years that were just incredibly demanding at work and I wouldn't be able to make the progress I wanted on Sloane.  If I beat myself up over that, then Sloane would start feeling like an obligation and something I was failing at when it was intended as fun and a place where I could be creative and grow.  

Life is unpredictable.  Its always changing, which requires individuals to adapt.  If you cannot adapt, then you just won't succeed.  I mean 2020 was a year that you either adapted or died.  No one could've predicted that COVID would ravage the world.  The blog is miniscule in comparison to COVID, but definitely was something that I was initially disappointed about.  I was hard on myself, but had to look at the overall situation and just be ok with me not having the capacity to do it.  

I am hoping now that I will have more time to share!  I have made a lot of progress on Sloane Golf, which has been another thing that has been taking my time.  New blogs will be out soon on how that is going.  :-) 

Its all about enjoying this journey and not getting stuck!